Meet EMG Solutions’ Newest Resident — Marshall Lassiter, PT, DPT

Marshall Lassiter comes to our residency from William Carey University. He recently graduated in May 2024 and has been following the EDX SIG meeting virtually for the past couple of years to learn more about the people and the landscape of clinical electrophysiology practice among physical therapists. Marshall also invested time to shadow with our clinicians and completed his NPTE in July 2024. Marshall joined our residency and team on August 19, 2024!

Help me not only welcome Marshall to the team, but congratulate him on his Wedding Celebration this August as well!!!

Congratulations Marshall and welcome to the team!

This blog is a feature from our latest newsletter. Want to read more? View edition 4 here!



Can an EMG/NCS help diagnose the causeof weakness following a stroke?

Strokes are relatively common, affecting millions of people each year. In the UnitedStates, for instance, about 795,000 people have a stroke annually, making it the fifthleading cause of death. A…

Using EMG/NCS to Test for Ulnar Nerve vs. Cervical Radiculopathy

When starting the initial evaluation, you mention to the clinician performing the nervetest that you are experiencing numbness of the ring and pinky finger. The clinician willask additional questions as…


We are an EMG and NCS testing company. Electromyography, or EMG, is paired with nerve conduction studies, NCS, to evaluate the integrity of the peripheral nervous system and how it interacts with the muscles. We provide in-house services on a referral basis.

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