Man grabbing his aching back in pain

An 18-year-old athletic young man presented to the physical therapy clinic with a physician referral for low back pain and weakness in the lower back extensors.  Patient examination revealed an indiscriminate dull left lower flank pain with radiation toward the anterior lower abdominal region present intermittently for 2 years. There was no actual complaint of […]

Alabama Physical Therapy Association Blog

We had a great time at the Alabama Physical Therapy Association meeting at Samford University this August! Darin White, PT, DPT, ECS and Director of Business Development brought his cotton candy machine and shared his talent and Cathy Digiacomo, PTA, BS, Manager of Business Development and Talent Acquisitions was able to share the treats with […]

The AL APTA Conference

The Alabama APTA was recently held at the Samford University Campus in Birmingham, Alabama. Thosepresent witnessed an engaging and insightful presentation that shed light on the niche practice area ofelectrodiagnostic (EDX) testing within the realm of physical therapy practice. With a growing interest inadvanced technologies and specialized techniques, this presentation offered attendees a profoundinsight into […]

Lacertus Syndrome

I saw a patient whose symptoms started after he began weight training about 2 years ago. The patient reported experiencing sudden muscular weakness in his right elbow, forearm, and wrist while lifting weights. This weakness nearly caused him to drop the weights he was holding. During the physical exam, the patient demonstrated normal and strong […]

Congratulations, Mark Simmons | Doctor of Science in Clinical Electrophysiology

EMG Solutions Founder and CEO wants to share a special message with our community:“Everyone – I want to invite each of you to congratulate Mark Simmons. Mark has successfullydefended his dissertation and earned the title Doctor of Science in Clinical Electrophysiology.He is now authorized to include DSc. in his signature and has joined a very small number […]

Dr. Bang Earns ABPTS Board Certification in Clinical Electrophysiology

EMG Solutions is pleased to announce that Dr. Junghwhan (Paul) Bang, physical therapist, hassuccessfully passed his Board Certification as an Electrophysiologic Clinical Specialist. Dr. Bangsuccessfully completed the EMG Solutions’ Clinical Electrophysiology Residency in January 2023to become board-eligible and received full Board Certification in June 2023.  Dr. Bang joins only237 peers nationwide who have ever been […]

Dr. Varney Earns ABPTS Board Certification in Clinical Electrophysiology

EMG Solutions is pleased to announce that Dr. Kelsey Varney, physical therapist, has successfullypassed her Board Certification as an Electrophysiological Clinical Specialist. Dr. Varneysuccessfully completed the EMG Solutions’ Clinical Electrophysiology Residency inaugural cohortin 2022 to become board eligible.  Dr. Varney joins only 237 peers nationwide who have ever beencertified by the American Board of Physical […]

An Electromyographer’s Approach to the Neurologic Exam

Many clinicians in various settings perform a physical examination of the patient. The neurologic screen is an important component of the physical exam and typically follows the subjective interview of the patient. While much can be said about conducting an effective patient interview, that will not be discussed in detail here. The end result of […]

EMG Solutions Trains Students in EMG/NCS at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC)

EMG Solutions recently met with students at UT-Chattanooga Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs to provide education on clinical electromyography and nerve conduction studies. UTC has a top-rated program in a beautiful setting near the Great Smoky Mountains and surrounded by a plethora of outdoor activities. Students reviewed neuromuscular physiology and anatomy, discussed differential diagnoses […]

How is EMG Unique?

EMG Solutions is unique in a few different ways, one of them being that we do not have our own clinics where we see patients. All of our physical therapists generally travel in a designated geographical area to our contracted clinics in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and Texas to see the patients, while […]


We are an EMG and NCS testing company. Electromyography, or EMG, is paired with nerve conduction studies, NCS, to evaluate the integrity of the peripheral nervous system and how it interacts with the muscles. We provide in-house services on a referral basis.

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